Season Notes 2015
I was there in Chennai for 4 days this season. My notes on this season - Attended the lecdems at Academy. The one about talas in Yaksha Gana was good. The konnakol lec dem following that was equally good. Two interesting incidents took place during these lec dems. After the Yaksha Gana lec dem Sanjay commented that though the speaker said the tala was jampa tala he was reckoning it as khanda capu. The speaker sheepish said that the way they reckoned it in Yaksha Gana was actually jampa as that he was as 5,5,5 because that was easier for him. After Konnakol demo, where the speaker spoke about how konnakol was known from Bharata's time, Pappu Venugopal Rao remarked, "There are two ways to do research. One is to come to a conclusion first and then look for evidence. The other is to first look for data and then come to conclusion based on data. Your's is the first variety and you presented it in an intelligent fashion" - Sowmya's lec dem was sort of letdown. ...